NZ Move it - Can we be of help?
To help us estimate and quote you on the size of your load more accurately, you are welcome to complete Booking Form and either email, fax, post or phone through your details from this form.
Handy Hints
- Pack fragile items into Fridge/Freezers, Washing Machine, Microwave or Dryer
- When packing up boxes especially books don't overload
- Don't forget to let Us know if you need bubble wrap for fragile items as we can provide
- Leave your clothes in the draws (in most cases)
- Pick up your boxes from the supermarkets. Banana boxes are great with lids on
- Advise Us of any boxes that contain liquids
- Full LPG bottles and inflammable liquids should not be packed
- Inform Us if you have restricted access to your property eg: overhanging trees, steps etc
- By filling out our Booking Form we can give you a more accurate costing of move
- We can arrange storage for you anywhere in New Zealand and/or overseas shifts